Friday, June 29, 2012

This is why I started taking photos while running...

I'm still a little hesitant to post these photos.  Some of what I saw yesterday really creeped me out.  These were taken less than a quarter of a mile from my front door:

Can't really make out what it is yet, but you can see a few objects in the grass.
Is that the shaved head to a doll?  Yes.  It is.
I didn't notice a second leg.
Or a second arm.
Took one last shot after I had passed the scattered doll parts.  You can see there was another  walker approaching the "scene."  I found comfort knowing that yesterday was a crowded day for this path.

I don't really know what to think about these photos.  I'm hoping it was just some kids being kids and playing a joke, but it was still pretty dark stuff.

Anyways stats for yesterday, and Wednesday:

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